Writing Obama’s Technology Agenda (Hint…it includes STEM)

From today’s educational technology Google alert: concerns for Obama’s technology agenda.

The 8 Missions that Should Dominate Obama’s Technology Agenda from Michael Copeland at Wired: Concerns from tech startup leaders including Kevin Hartz from Everbrite, Chad Dickerson from eBay and Matt Mullenweg from WordPress. They focus on everything from immigration reform to STEM education to privacy and business concerns. But the conclusion comes from Brian Helmig, co-founder Zapier:

I’m a bit of a cynic, but at least for me, politics tends to be a bit of a distraction. Of course, I understand that many of the issues are incredibly important, but my disinterest is purely practical and not ideological. When customers need support, code needs written, and servers need upgrading, the political process seems far removed from my daily reality. So, like most of us, I watched the spectacle with a detached curiosity and then got back to work.

Eric Lundquist at Information Week has 5 items that should top the technology agenda. His article considers how government can make better use of technology from defense to voting. He intersects with Copeland is a need for technology education:

We can’t afford to waste the opportunity to train the workforce to take advantage of the jobs being created as mobility, big data, cloud computing and digital manufacturing transforms the technology landscape.

Gregory Ferenstein at TechCrunch uses Obama’s own words to suggest what the agenda might be. Again, STEM education is mentioned as an important area for development and government support.

Just for reference, President Elect Obama had an extensive technology agenda in 2009. Here’s the current White House technology agenda.

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