Category Archives: New Media

Think Twice

From a colleague of mine as part of a discussion of protecting privacy:

Sorry, if you’re offended that I embedded it, but you need the effect before the story. Here’s the AP version. And, here’s Doug Feaver’s take on it at the Washington Post. Feaver reviews comments from readers on the story. He says, “I’m with the kid, but of course a recording of whatever message he left has not been made available so perhaps I would have a different view if it were.” That’s what I thought was interesting. The only person who can publish Kori’s message is the administrator’s wife. And, as long as we can’t hear Kori’s message, we really can’t judge for ourselves. Did she delete it? Or, is she just not adding fuel? Or was it a pretty reasonable message and she just overreacted? In the end, it probably doesn’t matter, but like, Feaver, I wonder in whose favor the pendulum of public opinion would swing if we heard the original phone message.

Here were two of my favorite back and forth comments about the incident:

readerny said, “I don’t agree with the tirade by the woman who answered the call, BUT as an employer of young adults, I can say that there are some (not all) who are overempowered and think that they know the whole story, or more than you do, and should be running the show themselves…”

But Nicester wrote, “Overempowered kid” and “self-centered youth” – OK, that’s one perspective. Sounds a bit like “whippersnapper” or whatever the Greatest Generation was calling the Baby Boomers when they were dropping acid and rolling in the mud at Woodstock…”

I just feel sorry for this woman, sacrificed on the altar of the digital generation gap. And, like the story about Heath Ledger and the blogs, it’s a story about the future of “news” in the 21st century. What if the kid hadn’t had access to the Internet? He might have sent the tape to the television news, but they have may have demanded to have his recording. He gets to bypass all those gatekeepers and tell his side of the story in a way that kids have never been able to do.

In the end, I find her tirade to be funny rather than offensive. “Snot-nosed brats” was the worst of it. It is more important as a reminder that digital recording and distribution is almost transparent, and perhaps will finally lead to people living by the old adage, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” We have left behind the era of deniability.

I’m tagging this one 21st century skills because I wonder how this fits in? I’m also going to tag it adult learning 😉

Bebo White: Is Web 2.0 the Future of the Web?

Bebo White is from Stanford. He is known as the first webmaster of the United States. And, he really does look like Santa Claus.

He started with renaming his presentation: The Big Ideas in Web 2.0. But he admits to hating that name (Web 2.0). He thinks a lot of it is just hype. But, certainly there are plenty of Web 2.0 start ups…he has a similar list of logos to Terry Anderson, yesterdays’ keynote. (I would have blogged that one, too, but the conference was having wireless issues.) The question is: how many of these companies will survive? He uses the example of Stumble Upon, which basically allows you to discover random websites. Google bought it for 75 million. But he says, don’t define Web 2.0 by the companies. And, he says that he can define it by what it is not.

Continue reading Bebo White: Is Web 2.0 the Future of the Web?

Underground Digital Story Telling

An interesting abstract from my advisor for an article about the semiotics of multimodality, or texts that utilize a variety of media. I have to get the article from inter-library loan so I haven’t read it but I did visit the D.U.S.T.Y. website to see some of the examples. What a wonderful project! I can’t embed the videos here so I’m going to have to rely on you to check them out…

21st Century Learning

My colleague, Donna, asked, “What would you show educators as an example of what 21st century learning looks like?”

I would start with my upcoming trip to Texas. I’m giving a paper at SITE, any my husband and I are going early and poking along the gulf coast looking for lighthouses and whooping cranes. I’ve written about how I used the web to plan and track the trip in another post. That’s 21st century learning in a nutshell for me: use the web to find information AND use the web to customize, organize, and share that information. When it’s done, I’ll post my Google Earth overlay to the discussion forum. I used the overlay for National Wildlife Refuges to locate refuges in southern Texas. And, I can’t wait to create my own “mash-up” when we get back, incorporating pictures and weblinks into Google Earth and displaying it on a web page to tell the story of our trip. That, my friends, is 21st century learning.

If I were a music teacher, my kids would be composing music to include at freeculture’org’s Free Music Project website. They are collecting “free” music–that means copyright-friendly stuff–and there aren’t really any gatekeepers. Participating in a project like this–or a project like, where users record audio files of famous public-domain novels–helps kids learn about the collaborative nature of the World Wide Web. They become creators as well as consumers.

I spend a lot of time talking about Wikipedia. It’s tough for people to get the concept and not be skeptical. So, I am going to start including a link to this story from the BBC. (Forget the pretty amazing fact that I have access to a new source like the BBC…) The story talks about a professor who is requiring students to read and write articles for the online encyclopedia. What a GREAT idea! It provides our students with the authentic audience that was tough to find in the past. AND, it helps out Wikipedia, which has been suffering from negative press of late. This is a great example of putting CONTENT into a 21st century CONTEXT. Why not use your new-found knowledge to inform others?

I am definitely going to include The Great Big Vegetable Challenge, a blog started by a mom to encourage her child to eat vegetables. I chatted live with the mom the other evening…she’s in London.

I am using more and more video from YouTube as part of my work. Communicating visually is a 21st century skill…how often do we give our kids the chance to communicate that way? Go to YouTube to watch Michael Wesch’s Web 2.0 video. Then watch the video responses. Or watch Introducing the Book at YouTube and then watch the video clip from a Norwegian news program that reports the popularity of the clip on YouTube.

I’m going to end with the K12 Online Conference…it’s the best example of 21st century learning that I know of. It was held in October 2006, completely online! And, that’s the beauty of it…you can still attend. All the presentations are available online.

Oh…I’ve started finding more and more educators intrigued by the idea of Second Life.

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