Category Archives: professional development

Best Practices for Professional Development

Thanks to David Croteau, a sociology professor and member of the ALT Lab at Virginia Commonwealth University for annotating and sharing this article from Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, Volume XIX, Number 1, Spring 2016 about effective professional development for teaching online. It is really a blueprint for making ALL professional development more effective with recommendations for smaller, more personalized and customized work that focuses on curriculum and teaching rather than just tools.

Articles like this are why I always check the Diigo updates from ALT Lab when browsing morning email.

Technology to Collect Data

Session for RPDIT 2015

This hands on session will focus on ways to collect data through formal and informal assessments. Here are the links:


Building Your PLN

A presentation for beginners to professional learning networks
Created for RPDIT 2015


RPDIT 2015 Preparation

I’ll be heading out to Franklin County, Virginia, next week for RPDIT 2015. This regional event is sponsored by the Franklin County Public Schools Technology Services department and supported by the Virginia Society for Technology in Education. I’m doing three presentations: leading a panel discussion with high school students as part of the opening session on Tuesday and then doing two breakouts on Wednesday, one about building your professional learning network and one about collecting data.

I’ve started using Google slides for all my presentations as they are so easy to share. I’m also taking advantage of Session Buddy to save and share the links. I’ll be creating blog posts for the two breakouts but for now, here’s the link to the opening slides.



Makey Makey Links

Heading out for a makey makey demo with a group of teachers in my local school division. I’m excited to spend a few hours creating with them: we’ll do the banana piano, an interactive picture, and the count the coins game. I think they’ve been sitting in curriculum meetings all morning so I want them to have hands-on fun!

I put together some links to ideas and tools:

And when I get home this afternoon, I’m making my own monome.