Monthly Archives: March 2018

PAD #14 & #15: Pi Day Fun

The conference finally got the best of me and I fell asleep before creating my postcard. So, here are two, both celebrating Pi Day in a different way.

I search the Digital Public Library for “pie” and found this wonderful costume design called Pineapple Pie:

Woman in a pie costume


















And this lithograph of pi is part of a set of greek letters that are associated with two names: Ovide Reynard and Jean Jacques Theodore Sauve. I couldn’t find any real information about either of them and I thought this might be an interesting way to challenge students to do research, maybe as an engaging starter for a unit:

Lithograph of Pi with decorative border


PAD #12: Congress Shall Make No Law

In DC for a conference but took some time before it start to visit the Newseum. I was overwhelmed to say the least: the exhibits span the history of journalism with special exhibits related to Pulitzer Prize photos, 9/11 and the Civil Rights movement.

I went ahead and joined event though I may not make it back. It felt right: with the press under attack more and more in our own country and around the world, this essential freedom must be honored and protected. It occurred to me that we can all help by being careful about what we read, view and listen to, and, even more importantly, what we pass along to others.

Thought today’s postcard should reflect that visit…

Freedom of the Press