Category Archives: Media

PAD #24, 25, 26: Take Me Out to the Ballgame

I haven’t been home for a full weekend for several weeks and with a mostly caught up to do list, I decided to take a weekend off. What does that mean? I read Ken Follett’s A Column of Fire and crocheted while watching reruns of The West Wing. I cooked some good meals and baked scones. I meditated and did most of the laundry.

But now I am back at work a bit…it is Spring Break somewhere in the world, right? And I didn’t want to miss Opening Day. I do not have the passion for baseball that some of my friends do but I appreciate its calm cerebral pacing and would love to learn to fill out a score sheet. Perhaps a retirement plan?

For now, a few visual reminders of the nation’s pass time, discovered at the Digital Public Library of America. The collage is all public domain imagery including the sheet music.

Opening Day 2018

The two postcards are from the Tichnor Brothers Postcard Collection at the Boston Public Library. I have a few old postcards but none as beautiful and evocative as these. And, they are listed as having no known copyright restrictions. Ebbets Field Yankee Stadium


PAD #21: Wild Turkey Haiku

A recent addition to the Digital Public Library of America is access to John James Audobon’s Birds of America. An amazing collection and in the public domain.

I decided to do a second Haiku but skip the app and just use Preview. I’m finding that I can do a lot with this free Mac tool.

We love wild turkeys…you see flocks in the fields and we have watched a couple families grow up on the farm.

Wild Turkey

PAD #20: Butterflies & Hanzi

This week fell apart sometime on Monday afternoon, I think, due to late winter/early spring snows. My keynotes were postponed and the weekend meeting was cancelled. Honest to goodness snow days even though we didn’t actually have snow, just the rest of the world, it seems.

I took a bit of a break from the routines of life…finished up the to do list as much as I could, watched West Wing reruns and crocheted, and was a little surprised when I opened the blog to find that I had not done a postcard all week. I *did* mail some postcards to people from #clmooc using an online service that made it easy. So, there’s that…

In the spirit of meditation, I am just going to begin again and may or may not get caught up. For now, I used the #marchdoodle #clmooc prompt from March 20: butterflies and quickly found this lovely piece of writing. I cannot read it but it doesn’t really matter. I was going to doodle on it myself but (re)discovered the Haiku app on my iPad and wrote a poem instead. It occurred to me that I have turned the corner from using other peoples’ words on the postcards to using my own. This was fun and easy so I may do a series.
