Introduction | Curriculum Development | Conclusion

Curriculum Development: Step One | Step Two | Step Three | Step Four | Step Five

Step Three:  Finding and Developing Resources

Now that you know what students will learn, you need to think about how they will learn it.    Even if you are using an already-created project, you will need to consider how students will learn necessary content.  Before I started a face to face unit in my classroom, I spent time in the media center reviewing resources from books to videos to filmstrips.  The Internet just makes that a wider search.  Are there interactive tutorials?  Quia quizzes? Videos in United Streaming?  And how will we use those resources?

One way to collect resources is to think about how they relate to the various activities in the classroom:

This website will get you started by providing resources related to each of these activities:

You can also work from the enGauge Range of Use Chart to locate resources.  Use this lesson to browse resources: (Login as a guest)

Let's not forget about data...if you're ready for a break, see the facilitator for directions for an exercise that uses real time data. And, if you're looking for data to include in your unit, David Warlick has a comprehensive list of sites that offer data:

Step Four: Assessment



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