When Email is Your Friend

I wrote earlier this year about letting email drift a bit as it could be a productivity killer. But, this morning, as I looked through my email inbox, I realized it could also be my friend. Late last year, I spent time culling: unsubscribing from some old lists and vendor emails. What is left are a handful of informative and interesting subscriptions with links to news and commentary both in the field of education and technology as well as the wider world. I found myself spending time in my inbox exploring rather than replying, and it was a reminder that, managed well, email can be your friend.

One newsletter I particularly enjoy is How We Get to Next with Steven Johnson. The writing is fresh; the topics are fascinating. This month, their guest curator is Florence Okoye, founder of AfroFutures_UK, a British-based collective that focuses on how Afrofuturism envisions the future. I wasn’t familiar with the term and am eager to explore Okoye’s reading list.

I understand that I could access these materials without email by using my Feedly account, but by getting the newsletter, I am reminded to do so. I use Feedly for everything; I use email for the really important stuff.

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